
I am on a journey of self-discovery of my Mohawk culture and heritage. As a Mohawk, British and Scottish woman living in Toronto, it has been very exciting to make this connection to my past. This journey has also been a life changing experience and has transformed my outlook of my life, my family and my country. I see things from a different perspective and have a new awareness of Indigenous issues and Truth and Reconciliation. Through my initial research of our family lineage, by reading old documents and visiting Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, I learned more about my ancestry, and in particular the life of Chief and Captain John Deserontyon, whose Mohawk name translates to, where the lightning has struck. I derive energy and inspiration from his life and to honour him, I have named my company ‘Lightning Spark Books’. I feel that as my ancestor, part of him lives on in me as a ‘spark of his lightning’. I also think about a ‘spark’ of creativity when it comes to writing and storytelling. I have a new found passion and dedication to share our stories with local Indigenous people and non-Indigenous Peoples so we can celebration Indigenous achievements, heroes and ancestors.