Supporting The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Through Storytelling

Net Proceeds from Children’s Book Series to go to Construction of new Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre

About the 3-Book Series

Thank you very much for your interest in this special three-book series. Your support is greatly appreciated. All net proceeds from this children’s book series are being donated to Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na, towards the construction of new Kenhtè:ke Language and Cultural Centre planned in the Mohawk Territory, Tyendinaga, to protect and revitalize the Mohawk language for current and future generations.

This three-book series is inspired and connected by significant Mohawk people, legends and places and begins with the story about Chief and Captain John Deserontyon whose name means, ‘Where the Lightning has Struck’.

I decided to research and write a children’s book about him myself.

During my research, I learned more details about his life such as how he helped his people escape from the Mohawk Valley after the American Revolutionary War and their eventual landing at the Bay of Quinte. I learned how Captain John played a significant role in the development of what Canada is today.

My business and first book was created in Captain John’s honour as Deserontyon translated into English means, ‘Where the Lightning has Struck’.

The three book series is inspired by and connected by significant Indigenous people, legends and places and begins with the story about Mohawk Chief and Captain John Deserontyon, ‘Where the Lightning has Struck, A true story about Mohawk Chief and Captain John Deserontyon.’

The second story is connected through lightning that eventually saves the magical sugar maple ‘Wishing Tree’. Was this lightning strike from Captain John? The story encourages the reader to think about what is really important in their lives and asks, ‘what would you wish for?’

The third story is connected by the Wishing Tree, called ‘Lake on the Mountain, Waterfall Wish’. Did the magical tree grant their wish? This love story is about two people who were meant to be together forever and their wish comes true.

How to Purchase

Available as a bundle of 3-books.

$25.00 + $5 Shipping

Email: [email protected] to place an order.

Payment method: E-transfer or cash.

*Books not available individually at this time (3-book bundle only).

Books also available at:

Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na (TTO)
1658 York Road, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Macaulay Museum – 35 Church Street, Picton

Native Renaissance Art Gallery & Gift Shop, 386 Highway 49, Tyendinaga

MacCools Re-Use (until Thanksgiving weekend),
1149 County Rd 12, Picton

The Local Store -PEC – 768 County Road 12 Picton

Books & Company Ltd. – 289 Picton Main Street

Tollkeepers Cottage Museum – 750 Davenport Road – Toronto