Donation total from book sales for new Mohawk School & Cultural Centre is now $17,000
Lightning Spark Books donates over $10,000 to new Mohawk Language & Cultural Centre
October 9, 2023/by krebLightning Spark Books Donates $6,550 to TTO Language and Cultural Centre
The Spirit of Lightning Spark Books
The Tyendinaga and T’Karonto Connection
About Lightning Spark Books
Established in 2020, Lightning Spark Books is proudly located within T’Karonto (Toronto), Ontario. The enterprise is owned and operated by Pamela Devonshire, a member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. She created Lightning Spark Books to fill a gap in Haudenosaunee children’s literature.
Contact Lightning Spark Books
I love what I do and I enjoy spending time writing, speaking and researching. Please allow up to three business days for an email response from me and thank you for reaching out. I can also be contacted by using the Contact Form or by email at [email protected].
Land & Treaty Acknowledgement
I would like to acknowledge the spirit of the land and waters and the spirit of friendship among the Mississauga, Huron, Haudenosaunee and all Great Lakes First Nations. I would also like to recognize our wampum treaties, which were designed to protect, preserve and share the land, waters and resources in perpetuity among all peoples. Together, let’s remember and honour these treaties the way they were originally intended.